October 20, 2010

"It's a serious question, guys, come on..."

Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Student 1: I want to be a nice groom. I like girls.
Student 2: I want to be a vegetable.
Student 3: I want to be a fish.
Me: Well, what do you want to be?
Student 4: I want to be a god.
Me: Okay... why?
Student 4: First, I want to destroy the world.
Me: Oh.
Student 4: Second, I want to make a new star.
Me: ...Follow your dreams.

{Gif via Supernatural}


  1. bahahahaha!! i love student 4 the best, but student 1 comes in close behind. ahhhhh, i miss teaching those adorable japanese kids!!

    love, liz.

    ps: my favorite answer to that question was "my dream is to be an office man". haha

  2. HAH! that is awesome!! Hahaha. Wow. Thank you for sharing!!

  3. Oh how I miss Japan and the amazingly cute students! Student 4 was funny. I had 3 students in my "nightmare" class who wanted to be God when they grew up. When we did that lesson that is what they picked.
