October 29, 2010

"Broomless Witch"

Cho wouldn't use a broom to fly.
But for the effect,
she'd probably grab one, sprout her wings,
and fly with it anyways.
Video, finish my thoughts, kudasai:

{"Cho" © Ashley S. Harmon}
{Music via Nox Arcana & Brand X Music}
{Cockroach & Typhoon via Google}


  1. you got it chica!! :D Squares :d they are tasty and wonderful and the best! (I dunno why they are tasty...)

    also, I loved your singing song on the previous post - and I think it's funny that they're taking the children to New Mexico... that is pretty scary!

    We need to watch Hocus Pocus together cuz I've never seen it.

    :D <3

    love you chica!

  2. P.S. I also most enjoyed your singing songness in this post! I listened to it multiple times!


    P.P.S. it's funny that I must "choose an identity"

    P.P.P.S. "forget about your worries and your wife, yeah man!"

  3. Grandma loved the singing and listened to it several times but also enjoyed the peek into your life--say how long are those cockroaches in Japan???

  4. GOKIBURI!!!!!

    so...you succeeded in scaring me with that cockroach. that picture of it and the loud noise! i jumped out of my seat!! haha, you big meanie!! also, the beginning of your video made me laugh really hard. you matched the music with the reveal of your hawt makeup just splendidly. insomuch, i laughed. :D also, your rendition of bare necessities was awesome. hahahaha. i also like jeanelle's version, in the comment above. that also made me laugh.

    anydangways!! you are adorbable (accidental, but i like it) and i love you! happy halloweeeen!!

    i also love your witch drawing. maji??? yes. :D

    love, liz.

  5. ps: my favorite shapes are triangles. and also stars. so i LOVE the star on your witch's forehead and the little ones coming off the brim of her hat. gewd stahff. (good stuff). yup. bedtime.

    liz. again.

  6. P.P.P.P.S. Yeah, your witch might need pants, but her hat is extremely awesome ;)

    P.P.P.P.P.S. I should get better at gathering my thoughts.

  7. I love you, Ashley.
    You are one of my favorite people ever!
