August 12, 2010

"Help Along That Ol' Wishing Star..."

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."

When I was but a wee lass,
I had a dream
to board a big, white airplane
and fill my eyes, mouth, and heart
with all the different flavors of the world.
Little by little,
I'm making that dream come true.
I just have to keep
helping along my wishing star.

{Click Here for Download}
{Original Song © Disney}
{Image via Technicolor}


  1. I had a dream to visit the four corners of the earth, so far I have realized part of my dream. It makes me sooo happy to have found a fellow dreamer who is taking her life into her own hands and making her own dreams come true.

    After all is said and done, after all that others promise or don't promise, it is, in fact, what we do with our life that makes our dreams come true. Dreaming is what keeps us going, but it is doing that makes those dreams realized in our lives.

  2. I've been thinking about this a lot a lot lately and thinking about how to help my little wishing star. Mmm..
