June 3, 2010

"I Did Art Instead of Homework Today"

The novel, Petrichor
{previously titled, "Little Butterfly"}
is being written
on napkins
and grocery receipts.
I don't have time for it now,
but one day,
I will write it.

{Petrichor, Cho, and all related concepts & characters © Ashley S. Harmon}


  1. I can't believe, sometimes, how artistically talented you are. You are so creative. It's like you breath creativity or something. Your blog is a masterpiece and I can't wait for you to write this novel.
    Btw, that drawing is INCREDIBLE.

  2. Two thumbs up, Musume! Sometimes (often?) a little diversion is just what the cranium ordered. I'm so glad that when you slough your homework, it's with amazing and healthy activities that tap your talents, rather than silly or destructive habits like eating chocolate or watching mindless movies--you'd *never* do that! ;-)

    I don't know how I got to be related to you (well, I know the biological explanation, of course), but I sure relish the fact that I am!

    Love you!


  3. Ashley you are amazing!! I forgot that you were into art too! Soo cool.

  4. Hooray! I miss the days of laying in front of the tv with some snacks and a movie watching you draw in photoshop with your scribblepad thing... (haha no brain juice) and me pretending I had skills. Kind of makes me wish I had peanut m&m's... lol. I am excited for your book and I hope it has a zillion illustrations! :D

  5. Heheh, I love it!! Are you going to do the artwork for that one book you showed me? Cause I bet you'd be awesome at it!! By the way, how did everything go down with Watabe-sensei? Loves you lots!
