February 7, 2010

"The Tourist Teacher"

"Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." -Benjamin Franklin
During the week, I teach English.
But once the weekend rolls in,
I toss my textbooks aside
and tour the town.

the first picture is of oden,
the second picture is of breakfast sandwiches.
Both of which are heavenly.}
{host sister}
and I
shopped at Cocoe
and lunched at a cake shoppe.
This pup's mine.
Thank you for having delicious pastries, Japan.
I love you.
And what would a weekend be
without some Engrish?
Skin Lingerie
fulfills all your wishes.
'nuff said.
Japanese photo booths are ELEVEN X MOAR AWSUMR
than American ones.
C'mon, America.
{たこmeans octopus}
The Kawamoto family,
minus Papa.


  1. Wow! It looks delicious and like a lot of fun!!!
    I really need to go have some fun…..

    I am glad you are having so much fun!
    I hear you, when the weekend rolls around I throw out those textbooks!

  2. Fun pix, hon. But to me, your eyes in the last photo are looking a little almond-shaped. Huh! And after less than two months in Japan. Oy!


  3. seriously, what did that thing do to your eyes??

  4. It's all part of the conversion process, Liz. :) Gotta go with the flow, yo.

  5. :D my favorite is the "pancake & maple syrup is Best Fleiends" so cute/great! and OH MY GOSH! CHEESECAKE! O____________O °'-'° haha, that's supposed to be a drool face. anyways, I wonder how prego ladies fair in Japan :P I suppose just fine but I dunno about an American! Those breakfast sandwiches look quite yummy though! :D I'm glad you get the weekends to go play!

  6. i had a wonderful time with you on the last weekend:)
    and, i was really glad to hear that you will stay in Kakogawa until Dec. Let's go to see a movie next time!! Have a nice weekend☆ 

