February 4, 2010

"Little Rascals"

My ninth graders chose their own team names today,
during a game of English Jeopardy.
Most of the students chose simple names like,
"Team Apple"
"Team Homework"
"Team English"
and my personal favorite, "Team Perfect Team".
But then there was a group of students
who wanted to be called
"Team Sexy Body"...
I've come to the conclusion that,
no matter where I teach,
{be it in America or Japan}
junior high school students are the same.
Little rascals.

But truly, I adore listening to whatever English
the students speak.
Today, a boy kept saying,
"Oh yessss!"
"Oh noooo!"
in such a funny way,
I had to hide my face...
...I was laughing so hard.
{*hee hee*}

Oh, and PS: I ate a flower today. In soda.
{It's actually an Aussie treat.}

{Image via Remi}


  1. haha! I love those team names!

    speaking of sexy.... I showed the fifth grade teachers at one school the primary song "hinges" with the actions, they thought it was so funny and have deemed it the 'sexy' song. Every time I go there they tease me about the sexy song. Any way....

  2. oh my gosh, so true!! the girls seem fixated on womanly chests. they always ask me about my cup size. they also introduced this girl as pai otsu, so one time, when i saw her in the hall, i said, "pai otsu!!" and everyone laughed at me. because pai otsu is the japanese word for womanly chest. those bums.

    junior high kids are stinkers sometimes, but for the most part, i LOVE them all!!! this is my last week at this particular junior high, and the ninth grade classes have been giving me sweet cards and nice presents like flowers and chopsticks. so...i caved. i gave them my email address. i figured it was okay, because pretty much, i will never see these kids again. but now, i don`t even feel guilty about giving them my email address. i have been receiving the cutest emails in the whole world!! i LOVE them!!!

  3. ps: i totally have a junior high mentality. i think team sexy body is hilarious.

    butts lol.

  4. haha! Love the team names! :D Pretty much junior high kids are and will always be little rascals, for sure.

  5. Those are fantastic stories. xD LOVE THEM.

  6. lol, so great! But we can't really blame them... what with American media and all... :)

    That drink look amazing! O_O Maybe if we get the chance at the end of the year we will come visit you for a weekend and you can show us around for a day or two :)
