January 20, 2010

"Stuffed Chicken, Stuffed Bellies"

I seem to only be writing about food, lately.
But Japanese food is SO DELICIOUS.
{Internship Coordinator}
invited me over to her house on Sunday,
and I tasted a bit of heaven.
{Viva la Gnocci!}
Yoshiko cooked a rather European meal
because she thought I'd be sick of Japanese cuisine by then.
{As if!}
And here's an Engrish for you.
And here's a happy, full flower to you.


  1. your ic sounds aaaawwwesome. mine lives far from me. boo. haha. i`m just miles away from everything, it feels like! especially my dear intern friends. booooo.

  2. Oh now you have gone and made me terribly hungry! It's still one hour from lunch time!

  3. Now I want some gnocchi.
    And I found an interesting article on another blog- The Engrish on the school buses makes me laugh.

  4. Whoops, forgot the link.

  5. I love reading your blog. :) You have such a unique, cool style about it.

    It's a good thing you enjoy Japanese food since you are in Japan. :) I had pesto gnocchi in Venice, Italy a couple years ago. Twas delicious.

  6. I love Japanese food! I have to say that i have thoroughly loved school lunch so far, even eating the little dried fish. I don't have money, or friends, so I have just been eating ramen and rice, it is all I can afford right now.

    I am glad your ic takes such good care of you. My ic lives in Hiroshima, it about an hours drive from here. Though she is really nice and told me if I go to Hiroshima to call her and she will take me to lunch or something and introduce me to her nieces or are they nephews... I can't be sure she called them her nieces then her nephews... I guess I will see. Oh, but my ic did call me the night before my first day to make sure I was ok and set for the next day.
