November 22, 2009

"Veni Veni"

"Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind." -Mary Ellen Chase
The carol, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel", was originally written in Latin.
And... it's hard to sing. :)
I need to work on my lower notes,
so this is a good exercise for my soprano-happy vocal chords.
And I know it's a half-crime to sing Christmas songs before Thanksgiving for some folks,
but I, quite frankly, adore them all year long.


  1. I love Christmas songs but the rest of the family hates me to go around singing and playing them the rest of the year. I start the day after Thanksgiving! G-ma Jackie

  2. "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" is one of my favorite Christmas songs, besides "What Child is This?" Loved it. :)
