November 19, 2009

"He's Doing Well"

"We can uplift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude."
-President Thomas S. Monson
Bryn sent a little picture package at the exact moment it was needed.
Car accidents are never happy things. {*sigh*}
It's beautiful how well our missionary is doing. I'm thankful for his strength.
I'm also grateful for loving parents, both in Heaven and on this earth with me.
I know the Lord knows what's best for us,
and I know Bryn is in His hands.


  1. I enjoyed the video and I know it made him feel not so far away to you! Sorry about yout wreck and your family's terrible day.Love G-ma Jackie

  2. Ash, that is awesome!! Looks like he's doing really well. He reminds me of Ben, lol! Funny, eh? I didn't hear about this car wreck, but that DEFINITELY doesn't sound fun. Be safe please? :) Love you.
