November 15, 2009

"Call from Tokyo"

{Image via Miyajima}
"Tomorrow will come sooner than you think." -Saphira (Eragon)
I just got a call from Japan...
the schedule changed.
I fly out to Tokyo on December 30th
and will celebrate New Year's in Japan.
The other interns & I meet up with the office on the 31st
and watch the fireworks together in the big city.
Training starts on my birthday,
and my assignment begins six days after that.
{The only holiday/event I won't experience in Japan will be Christmas, after all.}
Is it too soon to pack my bags??


  1. Doug says they have the best fire works shows for New Years. Have a great time!

  2. i hope you're not dyslexic, might end up in Kyoto. /selflaugh :P

  3. That awesome Harmon! Good luck with your internships! I think Ill be there til about the 2nd or so.

  4. おめでとう!

  5. A major birthday milestone in Japan also. You are going to have a great year!!!!!

  6. AAH!! Good luck!! I'm excited for you! :D And I'll miss you tons. But you'll have lots of fun, I'm sure. :D

  7. I just wrote a note to you and lost it, frown. We are happy for you, tho I must admit it is weird. smile.
