May 12, 2010

"5 Things I Learned This Week"

"Just be famous. You'll feel better." -Marc Johns

1. Japan's weather forecasts are accurate 9 times out of 10. That's more than I can say for Utah (but I guess Utah's weather is kinda hard to pin down).

2. "Screamo" music sounds just as bad in Japanese as it does in English.

3. Sushi tastes even better wrapped in a leaf.

4. The Japanese don't even know how to speak Japanese sometimes. This gives me hope.

5. The American dream of a friendly, efficient, economical country is possible; Japan does it every day.


  1. Loved the picture--is that really red hair you're sporting? Lesson 5 is a good one for all the world!! Love ya! Grandma

  2. ooo nice! You learned a lot :) I'm glad you have hope. American's can't speak English so... hahaha. I was trying to explain to my sister the other day about writing in conji and not conji and she was so confused :P but... anyways, soemday the world will be perfect and weather men will know exactly what's up all the time. I need to try this sushi in a leaf! :d

  3. Plus also, that is a gorgeous picture!! :D you're hair is getting so long, it's quite pretty :)

  4. This month has certainly proved #1 to be accurate. The teachers have been shuffling their plans every few hours to compensate for the weather.

    The best news is that the weather was wonderful today- it started off raining, but by the time our handcart trek started, the rain had stopped- and the sun came out just as we crested the last hill into "Zion." And yes, I got invited by the 4th grade to go with them. I love my job.

  5. Man, I love this pic of you!!

    You make me want to move to Japan, haha.
