March 7, 2010

"Something to Munch On"

"In doing something, do it with love, or never do it at all."
-Mahatma Ghandi
One of the most brilliant inventions of all mankind
is here in Japan.
It is called,
The "keeki tabehodai",
or, "all-you-can-eat cake"
allows you one hour to eat
as much cake as you can stuff in your pie hole
{pun intended}.
Although I wanted to eat about 216 more slices,
give or take,
I could only stomach 3;
the sweetness was too heavenly for my mortal belly.
{Note: The cake above was my favorite--it had a hidden strawberry inside.}
Akemi hid this one in her purse,
so I could eat it later.
{We're rebel cake law-breakers, we are.}
Peko & Poko,
the cake children.
{That almost sounds like a sequel to Children of the Corn. Egad.}
I very much think
a weekend spent at the Kawamotos'
is a weekend well played.

{Music via Yoko Kanno}


  1. Yummy, yummy, makes me want some in my tummy! Hope you'll be able to make some of this when you get home! Grandma Jackie

  2. YUMMM!!!! Thank you for posting the yummy pictures and the video of your host mother making dinner. Saw you cute little hands helping too! It all looks so good! I wish I could give Akami a big hug and tell her how much I love her for taking you in as family. My heart sings with joy when I think of that dear woman. She is an answer to my prayers and a blessing in our lives. So fun to chat with you last night on SKYPE. Let's plan another one soon! I love you!!!

  3. mmmmmmmm those look beautifully delicious!! We need one in America. OR several... :) and I'm glad you have really good friends close by to have fun times with! :D

  4. Um, you're my fave. And why in the world don't we have cake buffets in America?
    Maybe 'cause we're fat enough already. Maybe we better keep this a secret.
    I can't wait until I get an awful lot of money and can come see you in Japan. Then we'll have the time we always knew we we're meant to have.
    P.S. I'm about to eat my homemade California Roll, which I'm sure you eat in Japan all the time.
    P.P.S. I have a new blog:

  5. i want to spend a weekend with you at their house! How fantastic!

    Oh... a cake buffet! Wow, that would be amazing!
