March 29, 2009


(Image copyright xlizxangelx)

"Who doesn't long for someone to hold, who knows how to love you without being told? Oh, somebody tell me why I'm on my own if there's a soulmate for everyone." -Natasha Bedingfield (Soulmate)

The thought of having a soulmate is one of the most romantic notions an American child can grow up dreaming. I have been taught several different ideas about soulmates, each of them understandable and confusing all at once. Here are the two that I hear about most often:

(Image copyright exoart)
The first idea is that there is someone out there who I am destined to be with.
"Pros" of this: To have someone made just for you is an incredibly romantic concept. Also, I believe in the concept of families and close friends beginning their bonds before coming to this earthly life.
"Cons" of this: If my soulmate dies, is that it? What about second, or even third marriages? Is there just one person for me, or can there be happiness with others? (I'm not suggesting adultery or polygamy by any means; I abhor those practices.) Also, this belief takes away my agency. What if I don't want to marry the person I'm "destined" for? I believe in foreordination, not "destiny". I believe in God-given choice.

(Image copyright
The second idea is that there is no such thing as a soulmate and that I could marry just about anyone and be perfectly happy.
"Pros" of this: There isn't any need to worry if I found "The One" or not. There isn't any pressure to seek a wonderful companion, because just anyone will do.
"Con" of this: Divorce is real. While people fly off the handle a lot of the time, and separate before really trying to fix things, some couples just don't work well together; they don't harmonize.

My conclusion? While there isn't a "destined soulmate" for me, the people in my life are here for a reason. While I could try to "get along" with your run-of-the-mill Joe, there are people who are best for me, who could actually form an eternal companionship with me; an eternal teammate.

The discussion of "soulmates" is long debated, and I most likely don't have a perfect grasp of what the reality of it is. What I do know is that I'm learning, and that finding the man I can become perfect with is a task that takes effort and communication with my Heavenly Father.

And there's my theological tidbit of the day. :)


  1. Very nicely thought out - I like your argument. There are people we work better with than others. But there isn't a "one" that I believe in.

  2. Saw this from your facebook so I thought I'd throw in my two cents. I think the real thing is somewhere between your two arguments, but closer to the second. It's not that just any old Joe will do. Rather than looking for 'the right one' you have to look for 'a right one.' Not everyone would work well together, but we have been taught that any righteous man and woman could make a marriage work. Why you'd want to do that, I have no clue. You want someone you love and get along with and fit with.

  3. My dear daughter - I beleive that no matter if you beleive in soulmates or not, you must know that any relatonship takes work. Finding true love is not a destination, its a journey.

  4. Saw your comment and I agree more with ginger's comment. It's not that there is a specific person chiseled out of marble just for you, neither is and old bum off the street going to work. But there are a certain kind of people that fit better with your particular mold. No matter what there will be work and hardship involved, but if you really love each other, you'll be able to find ways to help each other pull through. These are just my thoughts on the subject
