September 2, 2014

PAX Prime 2014

{photo by Donny}

It's my favorite Seattle convention. 
Full of games, pre-release events, and sneak peaks of what's to come. 
And lots of Streetpasses for anyone who owns a 3DS (hee). 

We hopped aboard the Sunset Overdrive bus 
and were whisked away to Microsoft Campus 
to play games before they hit the con floor. 
My favorite was Never Alone, coming this fall! Cannot wait. 

Eeeurgh... kill it with fire!
(But make sure nobody's on the bus first...)

Husband and I worked hard and completed the Khans of Tarkir quests 
earning us invitations to this super secret private party uhuhuhu. 

The line was ridiculously long, but OH it was worth it!

Eek, pointy.
Into the dragon's jaws we go!

Inside, we saw cards before they were exposed to the rest of the world. 

And got to punch a bear... with my lips.  

And met up with my clan! 
Temur Frontier, raaaaaawwwwr! 

On the con floor, we saw new trailers and gameplay demos 
for titles we're ecstatic to play this fall. 
Just a note to friends and family -- we'll probably drop off the face of the planet come November. 
Everything, and I mean everything is releasing that month. 

I love beautiful games, and Ori and the Blind Forest falls under that category. 
Child of Light, Limbo, Never Alone... these are the artsy games I love. 

Project Spark thought I might be a staff member 
since I wore their shirt to their gameplay booth. Ehehehe. 

Nintendo had displays of Pokemon goods on the floor, 
but wouldn't let you buy any of it on-site. 
Excuse me, I would like this giant Pikachu, please and thank you. 
Psst... the game I'm most looking forward to this November is Alpha Sapphire heyoooo! 

Eep, lemme go change my pants real quick... (gulp). 
The more I see of Evolve, the more I'm intrigued. 
I really wanna be a monster. 

Got to see the Doubleclicks on stage!
These ladies are mad fun.

Aaaand finished off the evening with a little Paul and Storm.
Man, these guys know how to work a crowd.
(Both times I've seen them, I've secretly wished GRRM would reappear.)

Bought so many silly shirts and things.

But aww, he was too cute to leave at the con!

The Witcher III: Wild Hunt is not only breathtakingly gorgeous,
the devs flew all the way from Poland just to showcase it.
I stayed afterwards to shake their hands and ask for signatures.
It's just such an awesome thing to see someone so passionate about their work!
And boy, do they have a good reason to be. 

After all the panels, pre-release gameplay, and PAX-exclusive treats, 
it was good to come back and know this little one was safe. 
It was her first time staying with an official sitter, rather than someone she knew, 
but she behaved so well and even got along with the other dogs there! 
A beautiful ending to a beautiful weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. Grandma will never understand the fascination with all this stuff but glad to see you having a good time. xoxo
