September 9, 2014

Fangmily: "Suck"

Well, it is.

Now, let me answer the questions my inner critic
(and perhaps someone else out there on the Internet)
is asking at this very exact moment. Ahem.

"A vampire and werewolf? C'mon, that's so overdone."
When we were dating, KK and I discovered that we had a goofy affinity for these infamously opposite monster breeds, and it's become a perpetual joke between us and friends ever since then. (And especially now that we live in Washington, I can make all the Twilight jokes my heart desires. Mwaha.)

"Fine, have your cliche character types. But what's with the 'Fangmily' name?"
Woah there, don't knock my silliness. A dear friend (Chris Knorr) suggested "Fang-mily Time" when I asked for kooky ideas, and that fit the bill. Besides, KK and I are always making equally dorky puns with each other.

"You've obviously never done comics before, have you?"
Ptsh. Of course I haven't, but is it that obvious must you point it out? The reason I haven't done this until now is because I haven't had the courage to try my hand at it. Like the accomplished Bill Watterson, Yuu Watase, and many other comic artists, my style can only solidify if I try. And like them, I may actually get better at drawing during the process of making my comic.

"I hope you get better, because anyone can make a three-panel strip." 
Not all the strips will be like that! One thing's for sure, I need to read a lot more comics. Y'know, for science to get a sense of layout and storytelling. (Such difficult homework, whatever will I do?) Also, three-panel strips rock my socks.

"Shouldn't you be making music or whatever?" 
I can have more than one hobby, okay? Okay.

Boy, my inner critic is a meanie.
But basically, I wanted an interesting way to share some of
the sillier moments of our little "fangmily"'s life
while improving myself at the same time.
This felt right to do, so please look forward to more strips!

Original size here!


  1. I can relate. "Me fail English? That's unpossible

  2. Ashley, this is awesome! And as a fellow artist and comic-maker, I must address the two parts of your "FAQ" which mention this.

    I will always tell any artist who want to improve to start a webcomic. My own webcomic has pushed my art in ways I could not have dreamed previously. You're off to a great start and comics are seriously (in my humble opinion) the very best way to develop your skills and style. KEEP GOING!
