August 11, 2014

Oh, it DOES rain here!

So, it rained here! With proper thunder and lightning!
We've lived in Washington for over a week,
but hadn't experienced any of its infamous rain...
...until tonight!

By the way, sorry for the Photoshop oil paint filter on these photos... the originals were grainy from the dim lighting. 

Raine wasn't too happy about it, though.
"This house has sky rumbles too??"


  1. Okay, you're going to feel like I'm stalking you, and I'm sorry.
    But your music is amazing. What a beautiful voice you have, Ashley. And I love your pokemon doodle. I had no idea you were such a talented lady! :)

  2. Beautiful pictures and Abbey is hating our thunder we have been having lately too.

  3. Like I said before welcome to the great north west. Actually you are living in the "rain belt". We don't get that kind of rain here, we could use some of it, please send some south

  4. I'm going to come visit now, ok? OK.
