August 8, 2014

Changes All Around

Recently, I've had the immense pleasure to work with
the lovely Mr. Andre Pascher (aka Shadow Wolfen/Shady).
He sings like a prince, and mixes/masters our vocals so beautifully.
We've completed four songs together, and I'm going to dump them all here at once!
(Though if you follow me on other sites, you've probably already
been exposed to them properly: one at a time.)

"A Thousand Years"
This was my first time working with Shady.
I didn't know his style yet, but we quickly found that he's more talented at mixing,
and I can make videos, so that's how we run things now!
And yet... this particular music video is still in production. Heh.

"Can You Feel the Love Tonight"
Here I brought in the wickedly talented Knorr to star as Timon
(his voice is the most narrative I've ever had the pleasure of recording),
and Shady snagged his friend, Paul Dlubis, to play Pumbaa (hello deep voice).
We hope to do more multi-lingual covers in the future!

"Love Will Find a Way"
This project was actually supposed to be completed before the other,
but we ran into so many production problems!
Thankfully we jumped the hurdles and got to finish this little beauty. :)

"Say Something"
I avoid this song on the radio because it's just so sad.
But when Shady sent me his vocals for it,
I couldn't say no -- just listen to that belt! Mm!
I couldn't get through recording this without choking up,
so my part is a little quieter.
I like it better that way though.

Other big changes have happened recently!
If you hadn't already noticed, this website has a shiny new look.
I wanted it to be less cluttered, faster loading, and easier to navigate.
(Hope I succeeded.)

Another change: Husband got a new job!
And we moved to Washington state! Woo!
The picture for this post is what our backyard looks like.
Hello, Secret Garden.

One last change, I will be working from home for the majority of the time now,
so I will have more time to devote to music (and blogging)!
Thank you for making it this far in this ridiculously long post
(I promise not all of them will be like this),
and I look forward to posting much more frequently!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Ashley. Incredible. All of them. Absolutely amazing.
