October 10, 2010

"Feeling Lucky?"

"Faith is not bravado, not just a wish, not just a hope. True faith is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, confidence and trust in Jesus Christ that leads a person to follow Him." -Elder Dennis E. Simmons

I stood alone in Kobe
with this prayer in my heart:
"Heavenly Father, I don't remember the way...
Please help me find the church building..."
And then, two missionaries popped up like magic
and let me follow them like a little duckling.

{Happy birthday, Elder Pyper! And congrats on getting your Japanese driver's license!}

I had with me
a danish nut & a ham-cheese sammy,
but between sessions,
there was a potluck,
so I got to keep my breads for dinner.

Favorite talk?
To be honest,
I was worried about hearing it
because of how it enraged some of my lovely friends.
But, you know...
it touched my heart tenderly,
I love my Church.

{Girl via Silent Owl}
{Music via Danielle Vaughn}


  1. Did you make that super cute cookie? I'm glad you said you like President Packer's talk. Today in fast and testimony meeting, a member of the ward told us that his friend's facebook status was "President Packer, I respectfully disagree with you." And it had like 50 comments that went against President Packer's talk. That made me sad.

  2. I didn't make the cookie; it was made by the mission president's talented wife. :)

    Yes... President Packer's talk ruffled a lot of feathers. But I trust what he said. I believe there are fundamental, eternal laws. We can't vote away gravity.

  3. i love you, ashley. :)

    also, i love that cookie. it looks like a muppet. :D

    love, liz.

  4. The Gospel is true, no matter what anyone says of if it hurts someones feelings...it's still true!!!
