August 22, 2010

"Disney Sea"

Disney Sea is a 
beyond-amazing resort,
located in only one place in the world:
Chiba, Japan.

We tasted so many delicious foods
{frozen mango on a stick = }
and tried to beat the sun
by getting wet.
Yeah. I still have scabs on my thighs
from where my soaked jeans chaffed & ripped my skin.
Not the pleasantest.

But I did not care!
I was in the land of Sailor Mickey
and I was going to enjoy myself no matter what dang it all.

While skipping from ride to ride
{we really did skip}
Machiko noticed a ton of people holding teddy bears{?!}
Neither of us had any idea why,
as we'd never seen a teddy bear Disney character before.
Turns out,
Duffy {the teddy}
was given to Mickey by Minnie
to keep him company on his sailing voyages
around the world of Disney Sea.
Yeah, yeah, betcha didn't know that, didja?
Yeah... we were clueless, too.
The hottest day in my life
was also the happiest day in my life.
And I have my lovely friend
to thank for that.
{Thanks for everything, Ma-chan!}

{Music via Q;indivi}


  1. Mango on a stick? You told me you didn't like mango - it taste like carrots to you! Mango on a stick sounds like my kind of treat. I bet it was yummy! I could only watch the video half way and then it stopped. I couldn't get it to play passed the half way mark. Anyone else having this problem? :(

  2. You're right, I think mangoes taste like carrots. But this frozen mango was an exception. <3

    I hope the movie works out its problems... I'm able to play it all the way through! Huh...

  3. Oh chica that looks amazingly beautiful and fun! :D even if it was hot. And mangos are the most tasty! :d I'm glad you got to party hardy at such a neat place with a buddy ~<]=D My brain is fizzled out - but I love you and am glad you are having such grand adventures still! :D :D :D

  4. I did not know that about the teddy bear (and I pride myself on knowing quite a bit about Disney). Now I want one.

  5. Oh I am so glad you got to go and that you shared it with us! It looks like you had a wonderful time. I wish I could have gone with you!

  6. i LOVE the japanese poke rap!! i want to hear more!!!

    so...i just watched pokemon the other day...and after all these years...i still have the poke rap memorized!!!! hahahahahaha!! i can't decide if that's awesome or pathetic...

    can't wait to see you!!! :D

    love, liz.
