May 23, 2010

"Let Me Be Your Wings"

Growing up,
Thumbelina was
one of my favorite love stories.

When I was recording this:
I kept choking up
and twirling around the room
with my arms outstretched.
No, it's okay,
you can laugh.

What are your cherished childhood films?

{Downloadable Here}
{"Thumbelina" & "Prince Cornelius" via Don Bluth}
{"Let Me Be Your Wings" original song via Barry Manilow}


  1. Heidi was my all time favorite and I made Ray watch it with me last year!

  2. you have a really great voice ashley!!! Choking up at Thumbelina.....ha I cried...full on sobbed at Peter Pan the first 5 times I saw it.....and I was 18 years of age!!!! I know I'm an emotional wreck!

  3. Disney's Robin Hood, definitely.
    and Beauty and the Beast.
    the live-action Jungle Book movie made it onto the list for a while, and Labyrinth (but I didn't see that one until I was in high school).

    I didn't watch a lot of movies as a child, but those are the ones I would watch every time I got to pick the movie.

  4. The little Mermaid was my favorite for quite some time. I could identify with her for wanting a different life. The "other" world looked so good and better then mine. I always envied her for getting the chance to experience a different life. It is funny that even at such a young age I longed for an adventurous life and was not satisfied with mediocrity. Really, i find that I am still that same little girl who wishes for a life full of adventure and excitement. I think that is why I also love and relate to Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

    I relate more to Belle. She and I have similar spirits. ;D The desire for more them a mediocre life and even in scary situations find ourselves being stubborn and true to ourselves.

    Any way.... There you have it!

  5. My first number one Disney movie was the Lion King, I loved it so much and watched it repeatedly and I still have much of the script engraved in my brain. :P

    The Secret Garden was my favorite non-animation, something about that movie just instilled a love of childhood secrecy and skeleton keys. :)

    Thumbelina was a really great animation, I loved that to death for a while too and it's always a pleasure when I catch it on TV.
