March 9, 2010

"Sunshower: A Fox Wedding"

The Japanese have a phrase for sunshowers:
"kitsune no yomeiri" <--{狐の嫁入り}
which means,
"a fox wedding".
It is believed that,
whenever this peculiar weather occurs,
two foxes are being wedded in the forest.
- - -
But beware,
the uninvited human
who stumbles upon such a scene
will be marked with the fox's vengeance,
and may experience the sensation
of a bitty fox spirit
slipping under their fingernails
and possessing them.
Inviting little foxes to my own wedding
is something I plan on doing,
especially in the form of cake toppers,
or something equally adorable.

{Photos via James R.D. Scott}


  1. Oh! So that is what happened today!

    i got caught out in the rain. It wasn't so bad until truck passing by hit a puddle just right... and a wave of puddle water came crashing down on me.... I guess you could say I experienced my own personal tsunami! It was funny, even though I got drenched on my way to school.

  2. Haha, I never realized the Japanese were just as superstitious as we Irish folk. Kindred spirits, haha

  3. Hmm, I had not even considered putting animals on the top of my wedding cake... :)

  4. ha ha I just rememebred something! You have the dolls like in the Peach Orchard "dream" and also the fox wedding. *shudder* I geuss when you have interesting beliefs and traditions you also have interesting dreams.
