March 22, 2010

"Cookie Dough Brain"

"If it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight."
-George Globol

Today, I'm in one of those moods
where I laugh at just about anything.

I blame the chocolate chip cookies
the Church members and I made today.
Because, well,
I can.
Foreign chocolate must have,
alcohol in it
or something.

Behold the ward missionaries
in all their purple, frilly glory.
Men who can cook go far in life.
No, it's true.

Nestle's recipe
minus Nestle's chocolate chips.

The elders' recipe
minus, uh . . .
my teeth.

And while we're at it,
I might as well showcase
some fabulous-looking
Japanese sweets.
{Though, sadly,
they did not taste as yummy as they look.}

Oh, but just look how pretty.
Anyone have a remedy for
a case of giggles?
Mine won't go away,
no matter what I think of.
Then again,
that's probably okay. ;)

{Music via Caro Emerald}


  1. Oh my goodness... it looks like everyone had a great time! I loved it when the girl ate the raw cookie dough and then did a little dance. Speaking of dancing... does the missionary know you took a shot of him shaking his hips from behind? You should get his mother's e-mail address and send it to her. I'm sure she would love it... or better yet, find out if he has a girl friend and send it to her! :) FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!

  2. I love missionaries so much! Oh my goodness. That looks like a lot of fun. And delicious. :-9

  3. Oh cookies! They look fabulous! yum! I wish we had made some.... I want to go get cookie ingredients just so I can make the dough.... Oh I am now craving them!

    I am glad you got to have so much fun and have a good time giggling it up! :D Can't wait to see you!

  4. I see you share my same cooking methods. :) It's good to know you're getting "cookied". even though it doesn't come in the form of a gnome or stolen cookie jar.

  5. That looks like sooo much fun!
    Your oven is sooo tiny though! How ever do you manage to feed so many with such a tiny oven making cookies?

    So which cookies tasted better? The elders? or Nestle's?
