November 5, 2009

"Nightmare Express"

"After eating chocolate you feel godlike, as though you can conquer enemies, lead armies, entice lovers." -Emily Luchetti
Pop quiz: What was Lindon city originally called?
The answer: STRINGTOWN!
{I'll bet half of you don't even know what Lindon is... Fruit? Rock band? Google it, dears.}
But what does Lindon have to do with little ol' me?
Well, you see, my film fetish has been paying off...
One of the owners of Stringtown let me make them a promo for their Nightmare Express.
I've been looking forward to filming it ever since Immi's "Aha!" hit iTunes.
{It was the most perfect song.}
Every year, the train ride gets bigger and better, so...
If you're in Utah during Halloween-time, come play with us!


  1. That was EXCELLENT Ashley - Now maybe Sam will do something about those spiders living downstairs with you... maybe because it was such a great video... he could keep them upstairs with him until you leave for Japan! : )

