August 21, 2009

"Little Bitty Recap"

"Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available."
-Jim Beggs

I came across some old video files and laughed.
Three cheers for good memories and friends attached!
Bryn, Jeanelle, Aubrey, and Nieves (my roommate from Galicia) are shown in these clips.
Love you guys.


  1. Thanks for sharing your fun times. We just got back from Joey’s birthday party at that campsite we took you all to up the canyon that time you were here.

  2. HAHA Good times! You never see my face, which makes it more funny. I love me and Bryn's dancing though.I bet we were dancing to... Neil Simon!!!! *teehee* I do feel very honored being in your blog!!! Love ya!
