July 8, 2013

Heart Core

Fire inside of me
It helps me grow
It sings a tempo
Change is what I know
It's how I live
It's how I let go

Oh, I know
We are who we choose to be
Oh, it seems
I can refuse my mother's legacy

We are given the sun
To learn to shine
I will never fear dawn
I will glow on
We are given our fears
To learn to choose
I know there are good tears
I will be strong

Though tonight may carry on
I can sing my song

We are given the sun
To learn to rise
I will greet every dawn
I can fly
Fire burning my heart
Lights my way
Now it's time to start

A third soundtrack commission from the lovely Riversaw, this one about a skinchanger. I wanted the song to shift like she does, shedding its old skin and becoming something brand new again and again. The shapeshifter is a past, present, and future, so many things sewn together. And so, this is four songs in one.

"Heart Core" instruments, lyrics, vocals © Ashley Serena

1 comment:

  1. Where do you come up with all of these tunes/lyrics?? (That's a rhetorical question/expression of astonishment.) It must be very fun and satisfying to work your creativity.

    Nicely done, M.

