December 17, 2011

"Final Swing at the Books"

With all 7 of my autumn finals over (so NOT a holy number), 
I'm preparing for my last semester, here at BYU.
Yes. Already.
It's gonna pile up paloodles.

Once January hits, I'll climb back into my study hole
and lurk there until spring.
What business do I have taking SIX intense classes
and keeping my radio announcer job?!

I'll get breaks, though, by traveling during the semester:
Planning a trip to Hong Kong for fun-dles,
and Alabama {as a performer for Kami-Con}.

After tossing that graduation cap to the side,
I'll venture out and explore the world even more.
Paris, Munich, Chicago, Orlando...
Almost there!

{images © their respective owners}


  1. The gal in the last picture acts like grandma does when the mailman brings me a new sewing catalogue!!

  2. words cannot desscribe how I feel about you...
