March 4, 2011

"Cherry Filling"

Roommate Amy: "Life is like a box of chocolates..."
Me: "Ya nevah know whatcha gowna get... Sometimes ya get the cherry-flavored ones, and you just gotta throw those away.
There's a cherry in my life right now. I don't WANT the cherry fillin', dang it! Gimme the caramel! ... *deep sigh* Someday I'll eat the caramel again."

And here's a sketch of Shenn, the King of O-Rayne,
from my little novel, Petrichor
He's so monstrous.

I wanna look this good when I'm forty, too, Shenn. Tell me your secrets.

PS: Thank you all for your little love notes and gestures, 
both online and in person. 
My heart is smiling so much. 

{"Shenn", "O-Rayne" © Petrichor Ashley S. Harmon}
{Image via WeHeartIt}


  1. yeah - cherry filling is hard to spit out let alone get the taste out of your mouth!! That is why I appreciate the boxes that say "ONLY CHOCOLATE IN HERE! NOTHING YUCKY." haha :P

    I love you so much! and Shenn... well if I ever meet you, I shall give you a hug and tell you how creepy you are and then close my eyes and wait for you to do something scary. :) I look forward to it.

    Also, we shall be rockin' when we're forty! Our kids will think we are weird and awesome and our husbands will love us and think we're beautiful! and Shenn will still creep me out...

    Maybe HE needs a box of chocolates... or maybe he had one, and it was full of goopy cherry and lemon filled ones. That is why his skin fell off the top of his head. I think that would also happen to me OH MY YES! We must animate this as well :D :D :D

    more loves for you! I miss you! *HUUUUGGGINGG!*
