January 22, 2011

"Muddy Buddy Pizza Buddies"

"A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart." 
-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

It started with a pizza-making party 
and rapidly escalated into a
Muddy Buddy party,
Girl Talk party,
Quelf party,
and even a Reader's Theater party.

The magical game of Quelf
where you win by being ridiculous.

Gals and guys alike
gathered to play in our humble little Stratford apartment.

Kevin and I as conjoined twins
{the game made us do it}.

...The game also made me stuff its box
up my shirt, calling me, "Square Blouse".
The game called me that, yes.

Reader's Theater:
Kate as a southern boy with a lisp,
me as her younger sister,
and Kami as the throaty voice from the closet.

Oh, friends,
what would the weekends be like without you?

{♪ "The Song That Never Was" © Imogen Heap, remixed by Michael Campion}


  1. I have never even heard of Quelf, and now I feel cheated. Also, that pizza looks amazing! :)

  2. Hey Square Blouse! Remember the question about the 36 mile hot dog? And then how the game called Amy (I think) a confused little person! haha, too perfect. :)

  3. I think I might have to go buy that game... looks like a blast! Fun to see you today... sorry we didn't get to visit... that was a lot of people. Hope you are doing well.

  4. what is this...quelf??? it sounds delightful!!! must...play... :D

  5. It looks and sounds like you are having a lot of fun!

  6. weekends without friends are like Mondays... :(

    so I'm glad you have no Monday weekends!! :D cuz it is laaaaaaaaaame ;)

    <3 <3
