July 7, 2010

"Kids Say the Darndest Things... in Japanese, Too"


"Harmon-sensei, are butterflies pretty?"
"Sure are."
"No they're not. They're freakin' creepy."


"Harmon-sensei, do you have a boyfriend?"


"Harmon-sensei, why did you come to Japan?"
"To teach English."
{other student:} "Duh!" *smack*

"Harmon-sensei, please smile."
*grins* Okay.

I heart these kids,
even when they talk over the JTE teacher
or fall asleep
and don't retain a thing we teach.
They've actually given me the courage to raise teenagers someday.

{Images via here & here & herehere}


  1. Kids do say the funniest things.

    My favorite this year was "Teacher, I'm related to bees." We think he was trying to say allergic.

    I enjoy working the space camps during the summer because I get to hear all the darndest things the American teenagers say. (and in their little squeaky voices too- (^.^)

  2. This post really makes me miss my kids! I loved the things that my students would say to me. Usually they just told me how much they loved me, but sometimes they would say the darndest things. I think my favorite still is, upon seeing me walking home one of my really shy students proclaimed "AH! Mr. Tia Sensei!" He was bursting with excitement. That is when you know you really are loved!
