May 21, 2009

"I'm A Big Girl Now!"

(Image copyright T-Mobile)
"I'm not here, but if you'll leave your name, birthday, social security number, and bank account, I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!" -Logan Barnes

I got a new phone! Ain't it perdy? Jeanelle got this phone a couple of days ago, and I liked it so much, I wanted one to play with as well! Plus, I also wanted the new responsibility of paying for my own phone bill. Baby steps... I'll try for a car next. A really, really inexpensive car.

Also, Bryn hasn't contacted any of us for a long time. We waited a couple of weeks before Mother's Day, and have been waiting ever since... That's a long time to go with neither e-mail nor letter! Forgive me for whining, but it's hard not to pine when the man you love drops off the face of the planet.

Speaking of planets, I saw Star Trek the other day, and it was fantastic! I tried very hard to understand everything, but only half of what was on the screen actually computed in my non-Trekkie brain. One thing I remember, though: Spok rocks.


  1. lol, same with me with Star Trek! I didn't understand much either, but I really like Chris Pine. *swoon* And yes, Spock rocks!!! :D

  2. Oh, hoo-rah! A kindred spirit! Chris Pine was so lovely, and it's so good to know I'm not the only "lost" one when it comes to the story!
